The Great Requirement…

15 Feb

I often wonder how well I am stewarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:4-10 they include wisdom, knowledge, faith, healings,miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues and interpretating tongues, as well as being commissioned to spread the Gospel (Matthew 28:19-20.)

All of these gifts carry a heavy responsibility, in sharing with the unsaved world in hopes of winning more to Jesus Christ. Imagine being a paramedic or police officer and refusing to offer assistance to those in need. Spreading the Gospel needs to be looked at in the same way. As the world becomes more and more sinful and blasphemous we need to provide a alternative to worldliness. 

The Gospel of Jesus Christ shouldn’t be withheld from the world once we have received it. First in spreading the message of the cross, then sharing our gifts with the Church. The great requirement much like a first responder is to provide assistance to save lives, but even more so with the Gospel to save them spiritually, Shalom.

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